Partial Verdict Reached In Mpls. Officer’s Assault Trial

Partial verdict reached in Minneapolis Police Officer’s assault trial. Attorney Paul Applebaum civilly sued Griffin over the same case and won on behalf of his clients. The city of Minneapolis had to pay more than $150,000. Partial Verdict Reached In Mpls. Officer’s Assault Trial Jennifer Mayerle, WCCO/CBS Minnesota

Ex-Officer Accused Of Excessive Force Faces Another Similar Lawsuit

Applebaum Law Firm sues rogue Minneapolis cop in two separate cases. One day after assault charges were filed against a former Minneapolis police officer, we’re learning of a lawsuit accusing him of a similar use of excessive force. Surveillance video outside a gas station in 2014 appears to show then Officer Christopher Reiter kicking a Shawn...

Ruling paved way for $100K skyway-Taser settlement

Applebaum and Partner receive 2020 Attorney of the Year as the St. Paul Police Department pays big settlement after extensive litigation. The civil rights case against the City illustrated the power of a cell phone video, the willingness of these police to use Tasers, the apparent edginess of the police in this situation when Lollie...